Write For Money

How the Eye Shapes Attractiveness

The first impression & beyond

Attractiveness is an intricate dance between what lies within us and what is immediately perceived by others.

Though we downplay the importance of appearances, the truth is that both inner qualities and external factors play a role in shaping our attractiveness.

While the people we truly know may appreciate our inner qualities, strangers initially rely on the more immediately perceivable aspects, leading to what we commonly refer to as the “first impression.”


It is a common misconception to believe that good looks alone can carry the weight of a first impression. While handsomeness or physical beauty can catch someone’s eye, it is not the sole determinant of how others perceive us.

Several other “superficial” factors significantly influence our initial encounters, and it’s essential to acknowledge and understand them before delving into the inner qualities that make a lasting impact.

The outer layer

First and foremost, our clothing choices play a substantial role in shaping the first impression.

It may come as a surprise that clothing is the first argument in this context, but think about it: “When you meet someone for the first time, the first thing that catches your eye is clothing.”

It is a form of communication and self-expression.

Famous designer, Tom Ford, fittingly said: “Dressing well is a form of good manners.”

Dressing neatly, appropriately, and with some degree of fashion shows respect for yourself and others while adhering to cultural norms and etiquette.

A forgotten art in our time.

Societal norms around fashion have become more lenient, allowing for greater individuality and self-expression.

But it’s crucial to strike a balance between being unique and staying within the bounds of social acceptability. A great outfit can undoubtedly enhance the first impression. It can also kill it.

The growing factor

Another external factor that contributes to that initial spark is our hairstyle.

Contrary to what some might believe, having a specific haircut isn’t as crucial as ensuring that your hair is clean, well-groomed, and in harmony with the rest of your appearance. Regardless of whether you prefer a bald head, short crop, medium length, or flowing locks, taking good care of your hairy parts (all of them) sends a positive message about your attention to detail and self-respect.

Beyond the basics of grooming, the way you style your hair can also play a role in shaping your first impression. Different styles convey various messages, from the cool and trendy messy look to the polished and professional appearance. Adapting your hairstyle to suit the context of the encounter can make a significant impact on how you are perceived.

The inner qualities

With these superficial factors laid out, it’s time to delve into the inner qualities that truly influence the first impression and ultimately our attractiveness.

Number one on this list is a no-brainer: confidence.

A quality that many of us struggle with, including myself. Building and exuding confidence requires dedication, effort, and self-belief, but it can transform the way others perceive us more than anything else.

Confidence can take on various forms; it doesn’t necessarily mean being loud and out there. Even a shy or introverted individual can radiate confidence through simple yet powerful gestures, such as maintaining eye contact, smiling warmly, and standing tall with good posture.

In those first few seconds of meeting someone new, these subtle cues speak volumes about your self-assurance and make a lasting impact.

The attitude

Beyond confidence, attitude plays a pivotal role in shaping first impressions and the course of future relationships.

No amount of fashion sense, charm, or good looks can compensate for a negative or overbearing attitude.

Attitude includes many attributes such as interest, politeness, demeanor, positivity, humor, and honesty. It’s an umbrella term that reflects how we generally view life and how we relate to others.

For the interested

Interest, for instance, is a critical aspect of attitude. When you genuinely show interest in someone, whether on a date or in a professional setting, it makes a remarkable difference. Engaging in active listening, making eye contact, and asking meaningful questions demonstrate that you value the other person’s thoughts and experiences.

Have a laugh

Humor is another powerful element of attitude. People are naturally drawn to those with a good sense of humor, as laughter fosters positive connections and eases social interactions. It’s not about being a stand-up comedian, but rather sharing lighthearted moments and creating an enjoyable atmosphere.

On a positive note

Politeness and positivity are like magnets that attract people towards us. A simple “thank you” or “please” can go a long way in demonstrating respect and consideration for others. Positivity, too, is contagious — being optimistic and uplifting creates an inviting and comfortable environment.


Honesty is the bedrock of any relationship. Being truthful and authentic builds trust, and trust is the foundation upon which strong, meaningful connections are formed. Avoiding lies and being transparent in our intentions fosters genuine relationships that stand the test of time.

To tie it all together

While not all of us can look like Hollywood stars, we can undoubtedly work on improving our attractiveness by nurturing both our inner qualities and external presentation.

Personal growth and self-improvement are journeys that require time and effort, and no one is expected to master all these qualities overnight.

Embracing our uniqueness, continuously striving to be the best version of ourselves, and fostering positive connections with those around us are the keys to leaving a lasting and positive first impression.

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