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Beehiiv: The Best Newsletter Platform 2024 for Content Creators

What is Beehiiv, is it worth it, what are the pros and cons, and what are the biggest competitors

In the world of email marketing, newsletters remain one of the most powerful tools for businesses to build relationships and engage with their audience.

And having the right newsletter platform to facilitate success is key.

One newer platform that’s been gaining steam is Beehiiv*—a solution specifically targeted at enabling newsletter publishers.

In this deep dive, I’ll explore if Beehiiv is the best newsletter platform 2024 has to offer for creators seeking to maximize their potential.

Why Beehiiv Stands Out as a Newsletter Platform

For publishers wanting to start or grow a newsletter business, Beehiiv brings together compelling capabilities:

  • Built for the ground up as a newsletter platform
  • Tools tailored to the needs of publishers
  • Innovative growth features to expand subscriber base
  • No revenue cuts; keep 100% of what you earn
  • Powerful analytics to assess performance
  • Higher email deliverability via dedicated IPs

These and other features explored below showcase why Beehiiv warrants consideration as the best newsletter platform 2024 has to offer for entrepreneurs. While newer to market, its focused solution for this specific business model has gotten it notice quickly.

Key Features and Tools Making It a Top Newsletter Platform 2024

Beehiiv* packs its platform with a set of robust features that facilitate every aspect of not just creating newsletters, but also optimizing growth. Let’s explore key capabilities:

Easy Newsletter Creation and Management

The foundation of any newsletter platform is an intuitive editor to craft content combined with simplified sends. Beehiiv enables creating templates through its drag-and-drop builder to customize layouts. Publishers can instantly send to subscribers while also posting publicly to an integrated Beehiiv website.

Subscriber Data and Segmentation

Managing subscriber data, automating workflows by type, and assessing metrics are also vital newsletter platform elements. Beehiiv delivers through:

  • Dashboard showing open/click rates, locations, traffic sources, and more
  • Manual or dynamically generated subscriber segments
  • Initial automation tools to trigger emails based on actions

So marketers have emerging tools to better personalize messaging based on subscriber interests and engagement.

Landing Pages, Popups, and Subscription Forms

Taking a proactive subscriber growth angle requires dedicated conversion points via landing pages, website popups, and forms.

Beehiiv provides templates, designs, and tools, so publishers can easily create these without web design expertise. The platform wants customers focused simply on producing stellar written content. Forms can also be embedded anywhere by leveraging generated HTML.

Analytics Offering Actionable Insights

Understanding what content resonates is imperative. Beehiiv invested heavily in data analytics allowing newsletter owners to assess open rates, click rates, subscriber locations, and more. By benchmarking against past newsletters, publishers can optimize future issues to maximize impact.

In general, Beehiiv mirrors the software industry in providing an intuitive dashboard to slice data for pulling key insights to guide strategy. For serious newsletter entrepreneurs, these analytics are invaluable.

Integrations and Zapier Support

As your subscriber base scales, you’ll likely integrate other software tools into your tech stack like email tools, CRMs, payment processors, webinar software, etc.

Beehiiv offers a growing catalog of native integrations while also having a Zapier integration enabling connections with hundreds of apps. This allows publishers to manage newsletters from a centralized hub while still integrating other critical marketing technologies.

Monetization Tools to Subscription Revenue

For publishers committed to generating recurring revenue, you need options allowing members to pay for premium content. Beehiiv enables creators to easily gate access behind paywalls based on subscriber type and leverage discounts or promotions to incentivize upgrades.

And unlike Substack taking 10% in commissions, Beehiiv lets you connect your own Stripe account, keeping 100% beyond processing fees. For popular newsletters, this creates significant incremental revenue.

Incentivizing Referrals

Referrals incentive programs help digital businesses spark exponential subscriber growth. Hence, most platforms provide tools to easily create and manage them.

Beehiiv includes a solid referral system out-of-the-box enabling publishers to design creative rewards for sharing, from free merchandise to exclusive content and more. These programs combined with social sharing help amplify reach.

Beehiiv Alternatives and Competitors

While Beehiiv gained quick traction, it faces an array of newsletter platform competitors all battling to power this new generation of publishers.

1. Substack*

One alternative commonly positioned against Beehiiv is Substack*. Launched in 2018, Substack has more maturity, while Beehiiv provides more customization and higher-end enterprise options.

Substack aligns itself around writers first while Beehiiv focuses directly on the newsletter construct and advanced email marketing capabilities. But simplicity and community orientation also make Substack compelling, depending on publisher size and objectives.

2. ConvertKit*

ConvertKit* offers advanced email marketing capabilities spanning automation, landing pages, and in-depth analytics.

And recent acquisitions expanded its abilities for creators to build courses, membership sites, manage webinars, and more along with newsletters.

For businesses already using ConvertKit across their customer engagement stack, it can certainly facilitate newsletter needs without a separate Beehiiv account.

However, Beehiiv focuses solely on newsletters specifically so provides more tailored templates, virality tools to incentivize sharing, and keeps all monetization revenue.

In my opinion, ConvertKit is the closest competitor to Beehiiv, and will beat Beehiiv for many creators with its automation capabilities, design options, and Creator Network.

I wrote a detailed review about ConvertKit here ↗.

3. MailerLite*

MailerLite* is an email marketing platform with a free plan up to 1,000 subscribers, making it attractive for solopreneurs.

Send newsletters, email broadcasts, automate workflows and segment your lists easily with their drag & drop editor and automation studio.

Decent alternative to explore for a lot of people and use cases.

4. EmailOctopus*

EmailOctopus* markets itself as the easiest email marketing service for small businesses.

And in my experience it is!

It offers an intuitive newsletter editor, basic subscriber management, and integration with popular SaaS apps. Best for beginners not needing advanced functionality. The automation capability are simple and easy to use while providing powerful functionality.

Pricing and Plans

As expected, Beehiiv offers ascending pricing plans based on list size:

  • Free Plan: 2,500 subscribers
  • Grow Plan: $42/month annually – up to 10K subscribers
  • Scale Plan: $84/month annually – up to 100K subscribers
  • Custom enterprise pricing beyond 200K subscribers

The free plan still provides excellent features, while reasonable rates at higher tiers keep more revenue for publishers.

This makes Beehiiv very cost competitive, especially compared to ConvertKit ballooning past $500 monthly for a 100,000 person list.

Ideal Publisher Types for This Newsletter Platform 2024

While Beehiiv lacks aspects of other mature solutions, several publisher types will find its capabilities and pricing compelling:

  • Newsletter-first media publishers wanting growth levers
  • Publishers seeking to scale past 10-15K+ followers
  • Users wanting to monetize subscriptions without cuts
  • Those needing advanced email marketing capabilities
  • Mid-market newsletter entrepreneurs watching costs

For simple bloggers with below 5,000 subscribers, Substack, EmailOctopus, or MailerLite may make more sense.

But those running newsletters as their core business, requiring more advanced features, find Beehiiv’s singular focus on that model powerful.

Final Verdict: Is It the Best Newsletter Platform 2024?

Newsletters will only gain momentum as people veer toward curated, meaningful content vs. the endless feed of social media.

Hence, platforms catered specifically to newsletter publishers like Beehiiv warrant consideration as your platform 2024 versus generalized email tools.

While newer than other vendors, Beehiiv’s sole focus on the newsletter model unlocks key insights into subscriber engagement and retention other lack as they split attention.

For publishers seeking beautifully designed templates, growth tools to expand reach, total control of monetization, and analytics guiding strategy, Beehiiv checks numerous boxes as a top newsletter platform 2024 contender.

A free trial is worthwhile for most publishers before deciding. But the specialization and rapid innovation of this platform make it a front-runner for many as the newsletter gold rush kicks into overdrive.

Is it the best newsletter platform 2024 for content creators?

I’d say it’s a close race with ConvertKit. Both are exceptional tools.

Beehiiv gets the slight edge on writing performance, ConvertKit* a slight edge on networking and marketing functionality.

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