Write For Money

How a Simple iOS Update Gave Birth to A Million Dollar Market For Content Creators

From 0 to 6 figures in 6 days

In 2020, a designer by the pen name of Traf discovered an opportunity in the world of content creation that Apple had created without knowing it.

This new niche was customizing iPhone icons, a previously unexplored territory except for those who resorted to jailbreaking their devices.

Traf realized that the then newly-released iOS update 14 and Apple’s Shortcuts app provided a workaround for this customization, allowing users to personalize their iPhone home screens with their own icons.

Equipped with prior experience in designing icons for jailbroken phones, Traf recognized the immense potential and decided to capitalize on it.

This is the story of how Traf went from 0 to 6 figures in 6 days.

A Single Tweet

Traf embarked on his venture by styling his own home screen with a collection of icons, widgets, and wallpapers. Excited to share his creation, he posted a screenshot on Twitter, unaware of the avalanche of interest it would ignite. People were captivated by Traf’s customization and immediately began asking how he accomplished it. The response was overwhelming.

The Take-Off

Within a mere two hours, Traf packaged his icon sets, uploaded them to Gumroad, established a simple website using Notion and Super, and commenced selling.

The next day, Traf’s tweet gained hundreds of retweets and garnered dozens of inquiries.

In just 48 hours, it amassed an astonishing one million impressions. Recognizing the value of Traf’s creations, influential tech blogs like iMore and Cult of Mac featured his screenshots and Gumroad site, catapulting his success.

By this point, Traf had already earned over $5000 from his icon packs on Gumroad.

The Aftermath

The turning point arrived when MKBHD, one of the largest tech YouTubers, released a video demonstrating the customization of iOS with icon packs, prominently featuring Traf’s creations and providing a link for viewers to purchase them.

This video had an immediate and profound impact. Traf’s sales skyrocketed from $6,000 to over $40,000 in a single day. The momentum continued in the following days, as Traf reached an impressive milestone of $100,000 in sales on Gumroad within just six days.

The End of the Trend

As expected, the fervor surrounding custom icon packs eventually subsided in the ensuing months, although they continued to sell at a more moderate pace.

Many designers followed in Traf’s footsteps, creating their own custom icon packs that also garnered significant sales.

Notably, popular tech YouTuber Oliur ventured into this space and achieved over $30,000 in sales within a short period.

The Bottom Line

Traf’s success can be attributed to a combination of luck and talent. Discovering the niche early and possessing exceptional design skills played a crucial role in his achievement.

It is safe to assume that Traf has earned well over $400,000 to date, excluding the time invested in honing his design expertise. This inspiring story showcases the limitless possibilities of making money online, with new opportunities arising continuously.

Inspired by Traf’s story, I also found success in creating icon packs. Offering both free and paid options, I not only generated income but also cultivated a substantial email list of potential customers interested in my other content and products.

Content creation has emerged as one of the defining pursuits of the 2020s, with endless niches waiting to be explored. Undoubtedly, there is something you know that others want to learn.

And that knowledge could be the key to your own success story!

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