Write For Money

Create a Custom Landing Page For Your Substack Publication In a Few Simple Steps

Custom domain and growing domain authority

Substack* is a popular platform for writers and creators to share their content and build an audience through email newsletters.

However, one of its biggest drawbacks is the lack of customization options. Substack doesn’t allow you to use API connections or create unique landing pages within the platform itself.

But there’s a workaround that lets you create your own custom landing page for your Substack newsletter.

The key to this process is Substack’s embed form, which you can place on a third-party website.

By combining this embed form with a website builder tool like WordPress or Carrd.co*, you can design a custom landing page that perfectly fits your brand and content.

Here’s a quick step-by-step guide on how to create your own custom Substack landing page in 2024:

Step 1: Set up a Website

The first thing you’ll need is a hosted website with a custom domain (or a free subdomain).

You don’t need your Substack newsletter to be on a custom domain; you just need a separate website where you can host your landing page.

Choose whatever tool you like to get a domain, Hostinger, GoDaddy, etc. I use a German company called All-Inkl which offers great value for an affordable price.

Step 2: Choose a Location for Your Landing Page

Decide where you want to place your landing page on your website. You can either use a the domain itself (yourdomain.com), a subdomain (e.g., writing.yourdomain.com) or a subdirectory (e.g., yourdomain.com/writing).

All three options will work fine.

Step 3: Create a Custom Landing Page

Next, you’ll need a tool to design your custom landing page.

There are many website builders out there. Cheap and expensive ones. If you only plan on using this as a landing page for the newsletter without adding more sites in the future, I’d choose a free or very affordable tool, like WordPress.org or Carrd.co*.

If you plan on building a complex website structure, use more complex tools like Squarespace, Framer, Webflow, WordPress, Wix, etc.

Step 4: Create a Simple Landing Page

Add a few lines of text that describe your newsletter, and add a logo or an image that fits. Center everything or create a two-column layout.

That’s it. Don’t overcomplicate designing a simple newsletter landing page. The signup form should be front and center of this page.

After all, you want people to sign up.

Step 5: Add the Substack Embed Form

Now it’s time to add the Substack embed form to your custom landing page. There are two ways to do this:

Option 1: Get the Embed Form Directly from Substack. You’ll find the code for this embed (an iframe) in your Substack publications settings under “Import”. This basic iframe works fine, but it does not allow for customization, and it really doesn’t look great at all.

That’s why the next option is better.

Option 2: Use the Substack API Website (a free third-party tool). This website helps you create a simple, yet beautiful and customized signup form for your Substack letter. You’ll get the code to paste into your website. It’s pretty easy.

Step 6: Add the Embed Form to Your Landing Page

Once you have the embed form code, go to your landing page editor and add a new “embed” element. Most website builders offer this as blocks, like a code block, an HTML clock, an embed block, etc.

Paste the code into the provided box.

You might not be able to see the subscription form in the editor, but it will appear when you preview your landing page in a web browser.

Step 7: Test Your Landing Page

After completing the previous steps, you should now have a custom landing page on your website with a Substack subscription form embedded.

Test it out by entering a new email address. You should receive a confirmation email within a few seconds (or up to a couple of minutes). That means the form is working.

Note: It might take a while for the new email to appear in the Substack subscriber dashboard. Don’t panic!

The Bottom Line

Substack is a great free tool.

But the signup form isn’t great. And the welcome page you can create on Substack is very limited in terms of customization.

With this simple step-by-step process, you can create your own landing page and customize it however you want, while still getting your subscribers directly into Substack.

This has more benefits:

  • Your own domain and website will grow in domain authority rank
  • this will improve search engine visibility
  • and this will help you grow your reach

I use my website https://byburk.net as a landing page with newsletter signup for my Substack, as well as a blog and more.

It works well.

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