Write For Money

4 Reasons I Started Writing On Vocal Media (Again)

And earn on the side

I don’t just use Medium. It has become my primary writing platform, but I make use of other platforms as well. For one, I have my blog. I also started writing on Vocal Media. I give you 4 reasons for that here:

  1. Pay for external views: Unlike Medium, Vocal Media takes into account external reads when it comes to paying. You earn 3.80$ for 1000 views, external or internal. Or 6$ if you’re a Vocal+ member.
  2. Bonus payments: Vocal has a small but still nice bonus system. You get 5$ for your 5th story, or 50$ for your 50th, for example. We’ll see more of those as Vocal grows, I’m sure.
  3. Tips: Anyone can tip you for a post. That’s a nice touch. One that Medium should adopt.
  4. Challenges: High-paying challenges are hard to win but a great idea nonetheless.

How I Got 2000 Followers In 5 Months On Medium
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